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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Easter Books

There were two books that were mentioned last night.
Here are the summaries of each book and a link to buy them.
Also if you sign for Deseretbook.com emails. You will receive a 20% off coupon each week that you could use on either book.
Description from Desert Book.com

"There would be no Christmas if there had not been Easter," taught President Gordon B. Hinckley. "The babe Jesus of Bethlehem would be but another baby without the redeeming Christ of Gethsemane and Calvary, and the triumphant fact of the Resurrection."

With this deeper understanding given by a modern prophet, Latter-day Saints have an increased opportunity during the period from Palm Sunday to Easter morning to reflect upon the last days of our Lord's earthly ministry.

In God So Loved the World: The Final Days of the Savior's Life, author Eric D. Huntsman takes us on a scriptural journey through the last week of our Savior's mortal life, culminating in His atoning sacrifice and joyous resurrection. The author, by drawing on his wide knowledge of historical context, cultural background, and biblical insights, increases our understanding of these momentous events and helps us draw closer to the Savior. Full-color fine-art paintings, photographs, maps, music, and topics for personal reflection are included to enhance our commemoration of Easter week.

Brother Huntsman writes, "Each year has its rhythms with the passage of summer to fall, winter, and at last, again, spring. Holidays are part of that rhythm, helping us remember realities greater than mere seasons, and Easter, together with Christmas, can anchor each year securely in the promises of Jesus Christ."

This beautiful volume suggests meaningful ways for Latter-day Saints to refocus their Easter celebrations on the culminating events of the Savior's ministry. Whether used as a personal or family study guide or as a model for a devotional celebration of Easter week, God So Loved the World is a must-have addition to the library of every Latter-day Saint.

Link to book

Description from Deseret Book.com

"For years I felt that our family's Easter celebration was as hollow as the chocolate bunnies we devoured on Easter morning. All my life I had been told that the atonement and resurrection of Jesus Christ are the most sacred and significant events in all creation. If that is true, I reasoned, then shouldn't Easter, the commemoration of those events, be the highlight of our year?"

Spurred on by that question, authors Janet and Joe Hales became determined to make Easter the highlight of the year for their family. Their ideas, suggestions, and discoveries are included in this book, A Christ-Centered Easter: Day-by-Day Activities to Celebrate Easter Week.

Here, you will find:

  • A practical resource with an outline of family activities for the entire week, from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday.
  • An easy-to-read parallel scripture account of the last week of Christ's life.
  • Historical information about the Passover and an explanation on how to hold an authentic "Jerusalem Dinner" with your family (recipes included!).
  • Numerous ideas for age-appropriate family activities that will appeal to kids of all ages, from preschoolers to teenagers.
  • A section of stories to read together and sacred hymns to sing.

This year, make Jesus Christ and his resurrection the focus of Easter, and turn your celebration from a holiday to a holy day.

Link to book

1 comment:

michelle said...

These both look wonderful!